and so every time. The small guests of the Ladoga Estate find themselves in a real paradise: a children's room, a large playground, a children's house with a miniature farm for boys and girls, an ornitharium and a beloved one, a creative living room and even a puppet theater. But the main thing is that the teachers, who became the visiting card of the place, are a symbol of warmth, comfort and unlimited trust. In the section "Homestead for Children" we will talk about where we found our "Karelian pearls", about our educators and their pedagogical secrets.
Children and parents adore her at first sight and always return to her. Today I have another acquaintance with Kira Borisovna. We invited her to tell us a little about herself and about when she realized that working with children is her vocation. On which, not without irony, she answered us:
In the kindergarten I adored my teacher, and most importantly, I really wanted to clap in a tambourine like her! Therefore, in the future, with the choice of profession, I did not have a question. Studying in a pedagogical school for a teacher, and then in a pedagogical institute with a specialty "Teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology" led me to a pre-school environment. The teacher, the head, the methodologist GORONO, the expert on preschool institutions of Sortavala district is a part my biography. Maybe I like to be liked by children. They are not a burden to me. They are genuinely interesting to me. Because every child is positive and everyone has their own world, which sometimes I'm allowed to peek in.